始于2008  原始点差  不加佣金。
2015-03-05 17:02:01
对冲是一个简单的交易习惯,规定允许的情况下,你可以相反方向交易同一货币对。这样一来,无论市场如何波动,多头头寸和空头头寸都可以保证账户资金不被侵蚀。将对冲进行解锁是释放保证金的唯一方法——我们可以在专业的交易训练中学到。 为了防止对冲将资金锁定,许多交易商都禁止客户的对冲套利交易。它们建议交易者开设两个交易账户以方便相反方向的操作——这与对冲交易十分相似,但事实上并非如此。当市场大幅上升或调整,每一个账户都有可能被要求追加保证金,直到亏损导致强制平仓。此外,如果另外一个仓位不平仓获利,那么它仍然会因为市场震荡而受到侵蚀,最终失去了对冲的意义。所以,两个账户的反方向持仓并不是取代对冲的办法。 如果平台商不提供对冲功能,那么交易者也有可能会去选择交易相关的货币对。但是,不同的货币对走势并不一致。比如,欧元和英镑经常会走势相反,这样它们所对应的交叉货币对就会产生较大波动。因此,充分理解对冲保护本金的功能十分重要,你可以利用该功能实现双向获利。
设置对冲挂单 这是在订单在止损之前选择对冲挂单位置的另外一种方法。一旦你开立头寸,你就可以通过“止损/限价”设置相反反向的挂单。该挂单你可以在交易窗口里面看到。如果挂单成功下单,那么对冲头寸就会出现在你的交易窗口中。现在,即使你不在电脑旁,你也不必担心爆仓。你也可以放心的离开做别的事情。
选择一个允许对冲的交易平台 你可以尝试使用模拟平台来发现对冲的好处。你可以通过模拟平台来大概了解平台商,并判断它们是否可以立即执行、是否会出现溢价。平台商在各自的网站上展示出自己的优点并且谈论先进的技术。如果平台商提供了多个账户来解决对冲问题,那么你应该先了解清楚其优劣:它们可以很好的适用于大部分的剥头皮以及日内的震荡交易。但是如果你没有及时平掉亏损的仓位,那么随着时间的推移,你的亏损会逐渐累积;它们可以结合止损使用,但是许多交易者,包括你在内,由于对市场的恐惧或者处于兴奋感而没有成功平掉亏损仓位实现利润最大化。这类人被称做情感交易者。如果你希望通过安全地进行交易来获利,或者打算以交易作为维生手段,那么你就应该选择允许对冲的平台并事先设置对冲挂单。如果你对于日内震荡或者剥头皮交易的10~30点获利目标更感兴趣,并可以承受20~30点的止损,那么任何平台都适合你。同时,仍然有一些平台商为了自己的利益通过滑点来延迟你的止损。应该避免在这些平台商开户交易,因为它们并不为交易者考虑。
Hedging Hedging is a simple trading practice, when provision is available, to take positions in opposite directions in the same pair. So the short and long positions will prevent the equity erosion in any volatile market condition as they protect each other positions. To release the blocked money from hedging is the only solution needed-it is offered by us in Professional Trading Training. It is considered, by many, without knowing or purposely to prevent the traders making profits from trades, as blockage of the dead equity. Therefore, many platform providers don't offer this. They instead suggest to hold 2 a/cs and take opposite positions in that a/c s to trade either way - a similar situation to Hedging, but that is really not the case. When the market goes for extended rise or correction, any one a/c will get margin call unless the loss making position is closed. Moreover, if the profit is not booked in the other position, during market swing the profit can also get eroded and end up defeating the very purpose of using hedging. So holding 2 a/c s will not give the right solution. The platform providers who don't offer hedging facility often give hedging in related pair as solution. But the spread of moves in different pairs are not the same .The operators many at times move the similar pairs like Euro and GBP in opposite direction to bring volatility in their crosses. Therefore, it is important to understand the full utilization of hedging to protect equity and to use as a possibility to make either way trading profit. Advance hedging This is another facility of selecting the hedging level in advance instead of a stop. Once the position is taken in any direction, the advance hedging can be placed as traders order by selecting the stop / limit facility by clicking on the pair in the deal station. Once the order is placed it will be seen in the trader's order window. If filled, the hedging position will appear in the position window. Now, in your absence hedging can be done. This will facilitate you to do other work during trading.You can always continue the trading once you become available for trading. Choose a Trading Platform that provides Hedging capabilities You can try the demo trading platform of www.gcitrading.com (GCI Financial) to discover the benefits of hedging.The advancement in software solutions have given a big scope for the trading platform providers to give value addition to the traders to execute the trades quickly without spill. They display the advantages in their respective web sites and also talk about high state-of-the-art technology.If they offer 2 different sub a/c s as an alternate to hedging, then you have to understand their limitations. They are good for doing mostly scalp and intra-day swing trades. If you hold unfavorable positions for long the loss will mount. They are good to trade with stops but many traders, including you, fail to cut minimal loss and maximize the profit because of either market fear or excitements. They are called emotional trades. If you want to do safe trades and wish to only improve the equity, or intend to make trading as a means to support then choose a platform offering hedging and advance hedging facility. If you are more interested in swing and scalp trades of aiming 10-30 pips profits in each position with the acceptance of 20-30 pips stop loss, then you can choose any platform of your choice. Still there are some platforms providers who make stop hunts on their own when the market comes near to the stop level by extending the spread. Avoid opening a/cs with such platform providers, as their intentions are not good to help their trading members. You can also look at the recommended platforms by us get the feel of the advantage and disadvantages by using their demo. Then you can perhaps select the right trading platform for your needs.
本文所含内容及观点仅为一般信息,并无任何意图被视为买卖任何货币或差价合约的建议或请求。文中所含内容及观点均可能在不被通知的情况下更改。本文并未考 虑任何特定用户的特定投资目标、财务状况和需求。任何引用历史价格波动或价位水平的信息均基于我们的分析,并不表示或证明此类波动或价位水平有可能在未来 重新发生。本文所载信息之来源虽被认为可靠,但作者不保证它的准确性和完整性,同时作者也不对任何可能因参考本文内容及观点而产生的任何直接或间接的损失承担责任。
外汇和其他产品保证金交易存在高风险,不适合所有投资者。亏损可能超出您的账户注资。增大杠杆意味着增加风险。在决定交易外汇之前,您需仔细考虑您的财务目标、经验水平和风险承受能力。文中所含任何意见、新闻、研究、分析、报价或其他信息等都仅 作与本文所含主题相关的一般类信息.
同时, 兄弟财经不提供任何投资、法律或税务的建议。您需向合适的顾问征询所有关于投资、法律或税务方面的事宜。
金融产品保证金交易存在极高的风险,未必适合所有的投资者,请不要相信任何高额投资收益的诱导而贸然投资! 在您决定投资杠杆类金融产品时,请务必考虑您的经验水平和风险承受能力,投资导致的损失有可能超过存入的资金,因此您不应该以不能承受损失的资金来投资!投资风险不仅来自于杠杆交易,也有可能来自于交易商, 请仔细甄选合规的交易商以规避风险!所有投资者的交易帐户应仅限本人使用,不应交予第三方操作,任何由接受第三方喊单、操盘等服务而导致的风险和亏损应自己承担,责任自负!
兄弟财经是一间独立的咨询服务公司,不隶属于任何交易商,仅向投资者提供信息咨询、降低投资成本的咨询类服务。 兄弟财经不邀约客户投资任何杠杆类的金融产品,不接触投资者资金及账户信息,不提供交易建议,不提供操盘服务,不推荐交易商, 投资者自行选择交易商,兄弟财经仅提供信息咨询,交易商的任何行为均与兄弟财经无关!
所有投资者均为自行选择且直接前往交易商官网进行投资行为(包括提交开户资料和存取资金),兄弟财经不承担客户与交易商之间的交易争议及由交易商问题造成经济损失的责任。 如果您不了解杠杆类金融产品市场的风险,请千万不要参与相关投资交易!