


2015-04-28 19:03:41


可以在Tradestation开立5000美元和Interactive Brokers开立10000美元的期货账户,并且交易员可以持有每笔少于6000美元的隔夜账户。Globex期货交易一天24小时,增加机会和风险,特别是在这个快节奏的电子环境。学习期货交易的风险更大,因为每笔交易的最小额度不会让你像股票一样降低费用。
First Markets & Strategies For New Traders 
New traders have many choices when deciding which markets to play and how to enter their first positions. But picking the wrong ones can have a snowball effect, undermining confidence while bleeding precious capital. (See: Top 10 Trading Mistakes You Should Always Avoid). Brokers and the financial media make this task even harder, with their aggressive marketing for new clients regardless of whether those clients meet the criteria.
This is why you should do your homework before choosing between currencies, equities and futures markets. At first, you should avoid options because they require advanced skills. Novices are drawn to the forex markets because of the low account size requirements and leverage that can reach 50:1. (For more, see: Top 7 Questions About Currency Trading Answered). Despite the attraction of a minimum stake of $500 or less, it's still a dangerous choice for new traders for the following reasons: 
Firstly, currency brokers typically make their own markets and trade directly against client accounts. This generates conflicting interests that play out in midnight stop runs, massive slippage, orders that don’t execute and account restrictions after winning streaks. As a result, it’s no surprise that the limited data provided by these operations suggests a nearly100% washout rate.
Secondly, new traders shouldn’t touch leverage because they don’t understand how it works or the many ways it can destroy a small trading account overnight. In fact, even a small blowup on the other side of the world can trigger massive cross-currency trends that feel great when positioned on the right side of the trade but end careers when caught on the wrong side. (To learn more, see: Forex Leverage: A Double-Edged Sword). 
First Steps In The Stock Market
Equities markets offer the best opportunities for new traders as long as they meet account requirements, which can be deceptive. You can trade with a $500 account at many brokers, but anything less than $25,000 brings the SEC’s pattern day trading rule into effect. This states that positions can be opened and closed in the same session only four times in a typical trading week. The account is flagged when exceeded and placed on severe 90 day restrictions.
This rule creates risk management obstacles that can add a considerable burden when learning how to trade in real time because it’s natural to make poor entry choices, which can be mitigated through quick exits. (Read more in: 4 Key Elements To Create A Successful Trading Plan). Break the rule and it becomes more difficult to exit a losing trade when needed. In turn, the loss grows and the trader’s confidence evaporates.
Lowering trade frequency offers one way around the rule - starting fresh each Monday and keeping one eye on total executions until Friday’s close - but the learning curve will suffer because traders need to fine-tune strategies through trial and error, benefiting from high frequency but small size to control risk. In that way, they can work through hundreds of scenarios in real time and with real money at stake. (See: The Vital Importance Of Defining Your Trading Edge).
Traders have dealt with the rule in three ways since it became law in 2001. First, they work within its restrictions until the account size exceeds $25,000. Second, they accumulate the stake first and then trade equities. Third, they pass on the stock market entirely and head over to Globex, focusing totally on the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 index futures.
Choosing Index Futures
Futures accounts can be opened for $5000 at Tradestation and $10,000 at Interactive Brokers and the trader can hold an overnight position for less than $6000 per contract. Globex futures trade 24 hours a day, increasing opportunities and risk, especially in this fast-paced electronic environment. Learning to trade carries greater risk with futures because the one contract minimum won’t let you ratchet down exposure in the same way as buying small equity shares.
One point on a single contract is worth $50 on the S&P 500 and $20 on the Nasdaq 100. The S&P 500 can easily traverse 20 to 40 points on a typical trading day while the Nasdaq 100 grinds through 40 to 80 points. This ease of movement has increased considerably since the 2009 low because it takes more points at higher prices to generate the same percentage movement.
Given the high value of a single point, a minimum-sized position with perfect technicals could be in the hole by four figures, unless highly disciplined stop loss strategies are employed. In turn, that rules out longer term positions for the majority of new traders because they can’t handle the psychological or monetary impact of the drawdown. (For related reading, see: The Importance Of Trading Psychology And Discipline).
Bottom Line
New traders should enter markets that offer the greatest opportunity for learning their craft while keeping risk at a minimum. All major venues, including currencies, equities and forex offer distinct advantages and disadvantages in this discovery process.


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